Welcome to the

Welcome to The Länd. A federal state and economic power house in the southwest of Germany and probably the best place to work and live in the entire universe. That's why we started our own mission to attract intelligent life. We even built a landing platform for you. Explore all the reasons why you should LÄND HERE.

Reasons to LÄND HERE

THE LÄND is the best place to live and work in the entire universe. A bold claim. Find out if we can back it up with solid arguments, facts and figures.

Drei Personen stehen zusammen auf einer Dachterrasse, einer von Ihnen hat ein Cocktailglas in der Hand.
Work in THE LÄND, Ein Mann in kurzer Jeans und weißem Hemd arbeitet an einem Laptop an einem Tisch. Im Hintergrund kocht sich ein weiterer Mann Kaffee.
Discover The LÄND, Ein Mann und eine Frau sitzen am Lagerfeuer mit gefüllten Weingläsern in ihren Händen und unterhalten sich.

People's Journey.

Many people have come to the LÄND and started a new, happy life.


“Give it a try. It might do wonders as well.”

Riya came to THE LÄND five years ago. She has been working as an SAP consultant in Freiberg am Neckar, where she and her family own a house. Besides her job, she is an active painter and blogs about her family life via Instagram.


“I really admire the empathy of the people here.”

Prakash has been working as a Strategy Performance Officer in THE LÄND since 2018. He also manages the local cricket club in Sindelfingen - his "second family".


“I’m actually living my dream.”

Siva and Liya have been doing paid voluntary social service at Olgahospital Klinikum Stuttgart for seven months now. Afterwards, they want to become trained nurses and maybe even study here.



Relocating can be quite a challenge, especially if the destination is in another country or even on another planet. Not so in THE LÄND. To make sure that bureaucracy, logistics or recognising your skills are no problem at all, we have developed a relocation guide that accompanies you step by step and helps you to start your new life as easily as possible.


pension provision

good salary


Find your dream job here.

Work in The Länd
Work in THE LÄND, Zwei Ärzte in OP-Kleidung betrachten Röntgenbilder an einer Wand.. Work in THE LÄND, Eine Frau mit braunen Haaren und gelben Industrie-Ohrschützern arbeitet an einer Maschine. Ein Mann in Laborkittel und Sicherheitsbrille füllt Flüssigkeiten in Pipetten ab.