Relocation to THE LÄND.

On this page, you will find a step-by-step guide how to move here the easiest way. Whether working or studing – we’ve got you covered!

Version 1


To start or continue your career in THE LÄND, follow the following steps to make your moving experience as smooth as possible. From skills recognition, to the trip itself as well as helpful further tips and recommendations – we’ve got your back!


Are you planning to pursue further education in THE LÄND? With our tips, your arrival and enrollment will work out in no time.

Drei Personen sitzen unter einem Baum und reden mit einander. Die linke Person liest ein Buch. Die rechte Person hat einen Laptop auf den Beinen.

Logo des Landes Baden-Württemberg - The Länd Relocation to THE LÄND.

Fancy a chat? Call us!

+ 49 30-1815-1111

Hotline Working and Living in Germany (available in German and English). The hotline is available from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CET, Monday through Friday. Calls from abroad are subject to the international charges applicable under your plan.

Find your dream job here.

Work in The Länd
Eine Frau tätigt Spannungsmessungen an einem elektronischen Gerät.